Customer Relations Officer
I joined Sheesha on 19th September 1999 at the age of 21. Sheesha was then a small company. I joined as a cashier but did multiple other jobs in the HR and installment sections. From day one I noticed that it was an all male working community, I was the first female to ever join it. The industry itself is very male dominated and you always hear stories about how unsafe it is at times to be a woman at workplace: I was ready for a challenge.
I was pleasantly surprised to know that Sheesha is one of the few places that respect each human being who is a part of the company. I am able to work without any hesitation, much rather with appreciation and gratitude. Being a woman never stopped me from achieving what I have today. I feel very comfortable and right at home because of the respect and understanding I receive at my workplace. The treatment I receive from the management is something I will always be thankful for. They make me feel secure and enables me to thrive in my work.
Sheesha itself is a very family oriented workplace. Family is valued so it was easy for me to balance my work with my personal life. After I joined Sheesha, I got married had my first son who is now 15 years old. I recently had my second son who is now 1 year 6 months, and I am still able to balance my work with my personal life.In my personal life, I am a contributor to my family’s welfare. And so for my family it is very important that I get paid what I deserve for the work I do. It is important for me too that I have equal pay rights in my workplace. I guess I am one of the few lucky ones who actually can work in such a place as Sheesha, where I have always been pushed forward to do and become better.
I have indeed spent a long time in Sheesha and it has become a huge part of my life. I have grown to respect and trust the management and the company as a whole. I look forward to spending more time here, to grow myself further with education. The management has always encouraged us to learn and grow ourselves and I intend to do just that.
Easy Service Outlet’s In-charge
Chief Mechanic